Draconic Power AOE and Tank Line: Deals AOE damage, immobilizes enemies and buffs resistances and armor of caster, stealing health and returning damage to enemies.Ardent Flame DOT and CC Line: Deals Fire Damage Over Time and stuns and immobilizes enemies in an area.Recommended Sets for DK DPS (magic based) Dragonknight Destruction Staff Build - A viable Dragonknight Fire Staff Build.Please see PvP Build Guide if you are looking for a pvp build. The player is free to focus on one line or distribute points across many, allowing for deep build customization. Dragon Knights can specialize on three distinctive class skills.

These skillful masters-at-arms use the ancient Akaviri martial arts tradition of battle-spirit, and wield fearsome magic that pounds, shatters and physically alters the world around them.

Dragonknight is a Class in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO).